Field data, such as acquired during our own measurements as well as provided by our clients, is processed and analysed according to the data basis and exploration goal.
Processing and interpretation is accomplished by our interdisciplinary team of
geophysicists and geologists using modern soft- and hardware.
We also offer special seismic processing steps, e.g., Prestack Time- and Depth Migration of seismic data. Apart from that we have expertise in processing of near-surface seismic data
and vintage data, even when the provided source and receiver geometry is incomplete.
Our employees gained extensive practise and experience with respect to quality control (QC) of acquired data. QC constitutes an esteemed step during our own field measurements,
but we also offer QC services for other contractors.

Our processing services include:
- 2D/3D field processing and QC-processing
- 2D- and 3D-processing and re-processing of seismic reflection data, preferentially using Landmark SeisSpace ProMAX
- Processing and analysis of seismic refraction data (layer-approach, tomography)
- Processing of seismic borehole data (VSP, checkshot etc.)
- Special processing of 2D- and 3D-seismic reflection data (PSTM, PSDM, CRS, AVO etc.)
- Processing and modelling of field potential data, i.e., geomagnetics, gravimetry
- Processing and inversion of electric resistivity data (sounding - ERS, mapping - ERM, multi electrode measurements)
- Processing of GPR data
- Processing of borehole-laser scanner results