The following geophysical measurements we perform with our own equipment:
- High-resolution reflection seismology using SI SmartSeis system with up to 750 digital single geophones
- Refraction seismology using SI SmartSeis system with up to 750 digital single geophones or ABEM Terraloc system with 48 channels
- Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) using SI SmartSeis system and 48 channel Landstreamer
- Borehole seismology using 3C-geophones or hydrophones («down hole») and borehole-sparker («cross hole»)
- All seismic measurements with following sources possible: hammer, Seismic Impuls Source System «SISSY», accelerated weightdrop EWG-III (2 vehicles) and EWG-I or explosives; vibroseis is possible on request
- Gravimetry using Scintrex CG5- and LaCoste-Romberg-gravimeters
- Magnetic measurements using Foerster probe, Caesium-Magnetometers and proton precession magnetometer
- Geoelectric measurements using multi-electrode systems "Geosys GMS 150" or "Syscal R2"
- GPR using ground-based or vehicle launched horn antennas (400 MHz, 1GHz, 2GHz)
- Electromagnetic measurements using EM31 and EM34, MaxMin and T-VLF
- Borehole-laser scanning
- Vibration measurements using SUMMIT M VIPA and SysCom devices
- Geodetic measurements using DGPS, GLONASS or terrestrial methods
For other geophysical methods we can offer solutions on request.